A development is the carrying out of any building, engineering, mining, or other operations, in, on, or over land, or the making of any material change in the use or the intensity of the use of any building or land.
No. A development permit acknowledges the use of land or buildings and its compliance with the applicable Official Community Plan/District Plan and Zoning Bylaw.
A building permit is separate from a development permit. A building permit refers to building construction and compliance with the National Building Code and is governed by the RM Building Bylaw.
Yes. The following are exempt from requiring a development permit:
Yes. The cost depends on the development and if it is permitted or discretionary use.
Along with the required fee, every application for a development permit must include a site plan consisting of
Permitted Use
Where a development proposal is identified in the zoning bylaw as a permitted use, the development officer for the municipality may be able to issue the permit provided all information and relevant forms are completed and attached.
Discretionary Use
Where a development proposal is identified in the zoning bylaw as a discretionary use, the application must be advertised pursuant to section 55 of the Planning and Development Act and presented to the council by the development officer at its next council meeting for review and decision.
Neither Permitted nor Discretionary
Where a development proposal is not identified in the zoning bylaw as a permitted or a discretionary use, the development is prohibited.
In such a case, the proponent may apply to council for a zoning bylaw amendment. The proposed development is then presented to council at its next council meeting for review and decision following an approved amendment to the zoning bylaw.
The municipality adopted the Twin Lakes District Plan. This District Plan, prepared in accordance with Section 102 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007 is intended to guide decisions concerning the future growth and development within the Twin Lakes Planning District by establishing an overarching framework of goals, objectives and policies which seek to promote the orderly and sustainable growth of the District over the next 20 years.
The District Plan applies to the Twin Lakes planning District which is comprised of the Rural Municipalities of Moose Range No. 486, Nipawin No. 487, and Torch River No. 488, the Towns of Nipawin, Carrot River and Choiceland, the Villages of White Fox and Codette, the Resort Village of Tobin Lake.
Development of the Nipawin Hydroelectric Project by SaskPower resulted in the creation of the Codette Lake Development Area. The potential changes in land use, environmental impacts and socio-economic issues initiated the rural municipalities of Nipawin and Torch River along with SaskPower to participate in a land use study resulting in the plan being adopted by the municipalities.
The majority of lake front property owners in Saskatchewan do NOT own the land right to the water’s edge. In fact, if a Municipal or Environmental Reserve doesn’t separate your lot from the lake, the land closest to the lake is usually the bank of the water body.
The area between the bank and the waters edge, often referred to as the beach, foreshore or lakeshore, belongs to the Crown. The bank can be defined a line where vegetation or soil changes due to the
water body.
It is a common misbelief that if Municipal and Environmental Reserves are “publicly” owned, then it is an adjacent landowner’s right to use this land for their private enjoyment.
These reserves are separately titled parcels of land held in the name of the municipality or the Crown; created when the land is subdivided and are intended to provide recreation space or public access for all residents.
Unauthorized developments or use of reserve lands are a trespass on another person’s land.
Even though you are privileged to own property next to a lake, it does not entitle you to a view of the lake.
If a treed reserve separates your lot from the lake, you do not have the right to cut down the trees without approval! Nor may you undertake other forms of landscaping on the reserves without permits from the municipality and provincial authorities.
Beds and shores of lakes are Crown owned public land for all to use.
You cannot prevent the public from using the shore or a municipal reserve in front of your cottage. Seasonal piers and boat lifts located on a lake bed without a permit are legally a trespass on Crown land.
Any structure left on public land without authority could be assumed by the public as an invitation for use. Although a private structure, it would be difficult for a cottager to initiate a civil action against someone else for using their pier, dock, or any other improvements.
NOTE: The owner of such a structure is liable for them and their use by others.
Fertilizers promote grass growth which increases maintenance.
Avoid applying fertilizers, but particularly before a rain. The fertilizer washes into the lake and promotes algae growth.
Maintain your yard with as much natural vegetation as possible (it doesn’t need to look wild). Landscape your lot based on your recreational needs. Most people don’t need or use 1000 square feet of lawn. A sitting and play area with a good path to the reserve area should provide enough weekend work.
Many people consider aquatic plants like cattails and reeds as "weeds" and a nuisance. These plants, play an important role in maintaining the health of lakes. They stabilize the bed and shore, reduce soil movement and erosion, and are important habitat areas for fish, waterfowl and other wildlife. Aquatic plants also make use of nutrients in lakes that would otherwise contribute to unwanted algae growth.
Too much growth, however, may limit boat access to open water. In such cases, a boat lane may be cut through heavy stands of aquatic plants, but only if an approval is obtained from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment and, if affecting a reserve, from the Municipality.
(Please check with the RM office for up to date information for legal purposes, as website may require updating)
Copyright © 2019 RM of Nipawin No.487 - All Rights Reserved.
Photo credits to: Thank you to all who have contributed photos over the past years. There are too many to list:)