A concert/special event license is required if you are hosting a concert/special event that has an expected attendance of more than 50 people.
Fill out a concert/special event license application here
Reminder fire permits are required from April 1 - October 31. Please fill out our burn permit application and call 1-866-404-4911 before and after you burn. Burn permits can be emailed to our office at 487@rmnipawin.ca
The RM has been awarded the Gas Tax Fund grant to develop an asset management plan to provide a strategic plan for our community.
Asset management is a process for making decisions about how infrastructure is used and cared for. It involves thinking about infrastructure in the context of current and future needs, considering risks and opportunities, and making the best use of resources.
The Rural Municipality of Nipawin No. 487 is a highly diverse area located in Northeast Saskatchewan, comprised of some of the best agricultural land in the province, a canola crushing plant, a golf course, two regional parks, several residential subdivisions, and is steadily growing in residential and commercial development.
Mailing Address: Box 250 Codette, SK S0E 0P0
529 Service Street, Codette, Saskatchewan, Canada
Call 1.306.862.9551 Text 1.306.812.9779 Email 487@rmnipawin.ca
Open today | 08:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m. |
We are closed from 12-1pm
& all statutory holidays.
(Please check with the RM office for up to date information for legal purposes, as website may require updating)
Copyright © 2019 RM of Nipawin No.487 - All Rights Reserved.
Photo credits to: Thank you to all who have contributed photos over the past years. There are too many to list:)